Saturday, February 24, 2007

February 25 - Little Celtic Heart by Ruth

Copyright 2002 Ruth Perry

This is a simple little Celtic heart that I designed several years ago. There wasn't room for it in the Celtic Tatting book pub by Handy Hands. I saved the two color photo above to use at a later time - like now.

The easiest way to tat this is the third photo.
Ring 30
Chain 30
Ring 1 - 1 - 1 - 1
Chain 30
Adjust the tension on the stitches so it is shaped like a heart (see above)

Tie the end to the base of the first ring, or weave the chains through as shown in the 2 color photo.

The two color one is tatted with one color on the shuttle and a different color for the ball thread. Chain 30 ds
At both ends of this chain tat 30 r st (reverse stitches not flipped, 2nd half 1st and 1st half 2nd)
Weave the chains as shown. Tie them all together for a tassel.