February 14 - Ruth's Version of Jon's Daisy Picot Heart


This heart is one that I tatted from a design shared on Jon's blog. I tatted Riet's Daisy Picot edging, and learned the technique, but Jon's daisy picot heart made me want to try using it in a heart.

This heart is fairly simple. [I like patterns that are easy to remember] The stitch counts are all either 2 (between the picots on the Daisy Picot ring) or 4 ( everything else ).

2 Shuttles wound with different color threads. I used Anchor size 40 in red and purple ( just to please the Red Hat Tatters out there. )

Begin a Daisy Picot Ring with the red shuttle, and use the purple for the Daisy Picots. Follow the diagram for stitch counts and joins. - Enjoy!

The one thing everyone can use more of is love! The minimum daily requirement of hugs is 7 per day for each person. More than that are even better.

Love to all,