January 12 - Snowflake by Riet Surtel-Smeulders

Snowflake with shuttle and ball

© Riet Surtel-Smeulders.

What you need: Thread # 20, Shuttle and a crotchet hook.


R ring

Ch chain

P or - picot

+ join

s+ shuttle join.

Cl close ring.

RW reverse work

SLT shoe lace trick ( Click on this link to learn more about SLT from Gillian at Bella Online )

Wind about 4 yards on shuttle, do not cut from ball

Pattern Instructions:

R1 10 – 10, cl. RW

Ch1 6 – 6, s+ (picot R1) take care, don’t RW.

R2 6 – 6, cl. Turn ring from right to left, so that shuttle thread is in position for the chain.

Ch2 8 s+ (p R2). R3 1(-1) 7x cl. (the picots are from small to big to small) s+ (p R2 again)

Take the chain thread and bring it from left to right, thread goes behind ring

Ch3 8 s+(p R1) Ch4 6 – 6 s+ (base of R1)

Ch5 SLT 4-4 (picot have to be big enough for 5 joins

This is the first point from 6 Second point SLT R1 10-10, cl.

Turn the ring from right to left to start Ch2

Ch2 6+( p Ch3) 6, s+ (p R1) this was the difference now you can go on with R2 and you can follow the rest of the point.

Ch5 is SLT 4+4 ( p first Ch5).

There are in total 6 points. Take care in the last point you have to join Ch3 also on the first point.